Dear Luckman and Sajeedah,
Thanks for the invitation to visit Preston’s Paradise Gems. It was a wonderful experience to visit such a fantastic venture, where we were thrilled to witness the service and facility you provide for SEND children, first of its kind in the proud city of Preston.
As a mayor of Preston City, I would like to show my appreciation and support for your continued work and dedication at Paradise Gems. I have also noticed that all staff members are well assessed by SENDCO team and provided with the right levels and methods to suit their needs.
I was delighted to see how much energy, education, and passion you have given to children to build their confidence in young learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. It was lovely to meet the Trustees, the team, and the children.
There is so much work that needs to be done by the children and Paradise Gems has set a great example in demonstrating that special needs and disabilities are still a part of the mainstream, and an inspiration to other organizations and entrepreneurs.
I wish the Charity all the best and I will continue to support you for your work and future endeavours.
Yours Sincerely,
Cllr. Yakub Patel (The Mayor)
Preston City Council
The Right Worshipful
The Mayor of Preston
Councillor Yakub Patel
Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Preston, PR1 2RL
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